Rainbow Splashes





Marie is a cleaner, and some consider her to be “simple” or “slow”, they make fun of her and some even bully her.  They are so wrong, in her world she is a hero, a testament to faith, loyalty and love.  If people took the trouble to listen to her mutterings they would realize how wrong they are, she has a wicked sense of humour that belies the “simple label.  They might even be ashamed!

You rock Marie.

Happy PPF Everybody and thanks for visiting.

Author: Sharon

Live in New Zealand, with three cats. I have three passions, crochet, art and gardening.

13 thoughts on “Marie

  1. This is fabulous – you rock! Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  2. A lovely vibrant use of colour and character. Thanks so much for sharing 😀

    Best wishes,

  3. wonderful beautiful work, You rock really !!!!
    happy PPF and Happy weekend

  4. a beautiful painting and sentiment. Happy PPF!

  5. Wonderful story and art…she is such a beautiful soul , gorgeous colors and radiance ..she is fantastic!
    Happy PPF
    Victoria #23

  6. Oooh, thank you for a big smile 😀 Love your wonderful “cleaner” lady ❤
    Happy PPF 💕

  7. Love your use of colour and the story behind the lady is quite inspiring. We really sholudn’t judge people by appearance or the work they do.

  8. Sharon wonderful work as always. I tried several times to post through wordpress to no avail…on your last beautiful posts!! I’m going to use this fb which I rarely visit just to be able to connect here!! You have been missed.. I love your sentiments on Marie. So often people are missed and have great personalities and stories!! That’s why blogging can be so fun!! I have always adored your amazing style!!

    Peace Giggles

  9. I love how you’re weaving a story into your art. You should write children’s books, your art would spotlight your words so beautifully. Visiting From PPF. Oh, my new blog is now live on my new wordpress site (justaddwatersilly.com) and I’m doing a giveaway tomorrow (Sunday). The giveaway will include a DIY Altoids tin with magnetic half pans, pencil & eraser, Hahnemuhle Grey Book toned paper sketchbook, Micron sigma pens, a Grumbacher watercolor brush and a bee magnet! Hope to see you there!

  10. I love this character. She is a beauty. Blessings, Janet PPF

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